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TaeKwonDo Academy
Contact Master Travis on :
0785 441 8058
Not just a sport, a way of life.

Janet White
3rd DAN Black Belt
Senior Instructor
I first became involved in TaeKwonDo when my son, John, joined in 2012. I have watched him progress through the belts and he is now a Senior 2nd DAN Black Belt.
Seeing my son achieve these belts inspired me to give it a go with my other son, Jack & daughter Jessie. More recently my younger children have also started TaeKwonDo. Travis encouraged me to sign up as I sit there watching week in, week out. I'm really glad he did as its an amazing sport which I love doing.
I joined in 2014; although I was pregnant at the time I continued to take part in TaeKwonDo I am now 3rd DAN Black Belt, Senior Instructor.
I trained throughout pregnancy, until 2 days before I gave birth and was back 2 weeks after. TaeKwonDo has really helped with weight loss and am now the lightest and fittest I have been in years.
I am now a Qualified Instructor and plan on continuing my training to become a TaeKwonDo Master. Myself and the other instructors have also trained with Paul Green & Gareth Brown (Team GB TaeKwonDo Olympic Coaches) who have coached Team GB Gold medallist Jade Jones.
I currently teach classes in Portsmouth & continue to train every week to keep developing further.
I love TaeKwonDo and will continue to encourage other people to join. My youngest child started when she was 4 - she's now 6 and thoroughly enjoying her TaeKwonDo journey at the Portsmouth club with her older siblings.

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